Objective: The aim of this intervention is to ensure improved access to quality education that enable realization of full potential of people and contribute to their communities and the world. Our interventions address quality basic education, relevant market driven skills for the graduates these schools produce, Technical Vocational and Education Training (TVET), entrepreneurship training and support to the poor and vulnerable to afford access to educational services. We view access to quality education as a right; one of the most fundamental of rights. Besides its impact on ability to earn income and its contribution to the development of both individuals and communities, it is essential for the realization of the other rights. Our interventions in education are modelled to ensure inclusive, quality and relevant skills focused education to create lifelong opportunities for realization of full potential as enshrined in global and African development goals.
- Most governments are constrained to provide quality basic pre-primary education
- Education in most African countries are focused on passing exams and not on imparting skills
- Education is not specific to skills that enhance development, but for success of passing, hence STEM