Objective: To ensure responsive action by government institutions to develop needs through effective public participation, use of research evidence, data, and analytics and appropriate development planning, execution and monitoring.
- Use of Research Evidence in policymaking and resourced allocation by the county government
- Citizen’s participation in governance system – Improved representation of citizen interests, strengthened citizens’ access to information held by county governments, and oversight by citizens of targeted county government performance. This is meant to empower citizens to demand transparency and accountability from government structures and actively participate in decision making at the local level.
- Management of political relationships with governance systems role of political parties, translation of party manifestoes to policy to action.
- Improved governance of county systems – Support to public service Boards, HRM systems and performance management of counties
- Synergy development maximization through enhanced engagement and collaboration with other governments, community systems, private sector, NGOs and other stakeholders
- Development initiatives prioritization, planning and forecasting
- Resources mobilization for targeted development initiatives