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Email: info@ackpid.org

About Us

ACKPID > About Us

Who we are

African Centre for Knowledge and Policy Integration to Development is an International Non-Governmental, Non-profit and Non-Partisan organization that work to integrate knowledge and policy with action to secure integrated sustainable development in Africa. We bridge the gap between policy and knowledge and action taken to create the capacity and impetus for impact to realize an inclusive socio-economic progress and prosperity in Africa.

Our aim is to contribute to the realization of sustainable development in Africa by inculcating a culture and practice of use of knowledge and research evidence, policy, data and data analytics in development decision making; where resource allocation and actions taken in response to development needs are responsive to formulated sound policies and development needs; and where development intervention players, actions and activities in the development space are integrated in a seamless development chain.

Our interventions, goals, targets and indicators are aligned to the visions, principles, guiding frameworks and criteria set out at the global and regional levels as well as specific national goals of countries where we operate.

Our context

Great effort has been made and is still being made to foster development in Africa. However, these have faced challenges due to very many factors. One of the key issues around this is the disintegration of the vital components of the development chain of knowledge, research evidence and policies and being disjointed with interventions. The policy environment has improved in Africa over time, mostly tending to be pro-citizens. But the dissemination of these updates to decision makers, intervention actors and the public to make use of them has not been effective.

Useful development input knowledge has been accumulated and insightful research has been done with useful data and data analytics available of the different development status metrics and needs with various probable interventions documented. This knowledge and research evidence has very low absorption by policy makers, decision makers and implementers who take actions in responding to development needs through resource allocation, legal framework establishment and actual interventions implementation. This has been caused by several factors, key among them being that different players make their contributions at the different levels of development chain independently and rarely using the output from the related development chain player and being influenced more by relevance, political pressure, current situation and many other biases which overshadow appropriate consideration of policies, available knowledge and research evidence to inform their intervention. The response to correct this disjointedness is a key mission of ACKPID.


A socio-economically empowered, civically active and prosperous Africa.


To integrate the different parts of development cycle chain through facilitation, support, advocacy, knowledge translation and capacity building to create a purposed, intelligent and cohesive approach in Africa’s development interventions for a socio-economically empowered and civically active and prosperous Africa.

Our Values

  • Association (Teamwork)
  • Commitment
  • Know-how (Professionalism)
  • Partnerships
  • Integrity
  • Distinction – we excel

Our Objectives

  • To empower policymakers, development initiatives implementers and communities in the use of policies, knowledge and research evidence, data and analytics to inform development interventions.
  • To integrate the various components, players, activities and participants in the development initiatives chain
  • Enable the utilization of policies, data and analytics and research evidence in implementation of development initiatives
  • Build and strengthen individual, institutional and communities’ capacity to provide responsive integrated development interventions.


ACKPID is registered as an International Non-Governmental Organization with a mandate to work on African integrated development issues by the Republic of Kenya’s Non-Governmental Organizations’ Board.


ACKPID is seeking partnership with development partners to realize programme and Institutional development objectives. We require programme funding to support development and implement our primary signature programmes for each thematic area. We are also seeking to partner in our institutional development for seed funding to establish our key institutional framework and establishments. We welcome partnerships as to catalyze these noble endeavours to achieve Africa’s development, thereby making our contributions to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. Kindly contact us even as we make efforts to reach to you.